Logo for JBSA Lackland Youth Programs

About Us

JBSA services more DoD students than any other installation, more active runways than any other installation, houses the DoD's largest hospital and only level one trauma center, supports more than 250,000 personnel, including 425 retired general officers, and interfaces with 1,000 civic leaders of San Antonio, 20 smaller communities, four counties and four Congressional Districts. Its total plant replacement value is about 10.3 billion with an annual budget of $800 million. Despite its uniqueness in setup, the 80,000 members who belong to JBSA are making a difference, not only in San Antonio, but for the nation...accomplishing diverse training, flying, medical, cyber, intelligence and installation missions every day.


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Contact Details

2361 Selfridge Ave.
San Antonio, Texas 78236
United States

  210 671 2388


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